
A 2D array wrapper with methods for operating on, importing & exporting tabular data

This project is maintained by smrtr

Keys and Labels

Previous: Getting Started

A table full of numbers can mean nothing. But with its column & row headers a table can be understood. Smrtr DataGrid has a fluent interface for handling the identity of rows and columns through the use of Keys & Labels.


Row keys and column keys are used internally to identify & distinguish rows and columns from one another. Both sets of keys start from 0 and increase naturally for each row/column added to the grid. As a result, the number of rows in a grid will always be one more than the largest row key. The same goes for columns.


In addition to a unique key, every row and column may optionally be described by a unique label. Labels are unique strings which are provided to give some context or meaning to the data they represent.

Commonly Used Methods

$rowOrColumn: Methods accepting a $rowOrColumn parameter are looking for a string containing ‘row’ or ‘column’. Any other value will likely result in an exception being thrown.

$keyOrLabel: Methods accepting the $keyOrLabel parameter are looking for a key or label to identify the required row or column. Be sure to provide keys as integers and labels as strings. The string ‘1’ will be treated as a label.

getKey( $rowOrColumn, $keyOrLabel )

Returns an integer: the key of the specified row or column.

You can also use the shorthand methods $Grid->getRowKey('some row') and $Grid->getColumnKey('my column').

getKeys( $rowOrColumn )

Returns an array: the keys for the rows or columns.

Shorthand: $Grid->getRowKeys() and $Grid->getColumnKeys().

getLabel( $rowOrColumn, $key )

Returns a string or NULL: the unique label of the specified row or column. Parameter $key must be an int.

Shorthand: $Grid->getRowLabel(5) and $Grid->getColumnLabel($someColumnKey)

getLabels( $rowOrColumn )

Returns an array: the labels for the rows or columns, indexed by the keys.

Shorthand: $Grid->getRowLabels() and $Grid->getColumnLabels().

hasKey( $rowOrColumn, $key )

Returns a boolean.

Shorthand: $Grid->hasRowKey(7) & $Grid->hasColumnKey(35).

hasLabel( $rowOrColumn, $label )

Returns a boolean.

Shorthand: $Grid->hasRowLabel('one') & $Grid->hasColumnLabel('64').

Next: Data Getters