
A 2D array wrapper with methods for operating on, importing & exporting tabular data

This project is maintained by smrtr


Previous: Data Setters

Smrtr DataGrid comes packaged with a second class, \Smrtr\DataGridVector, which provides proxies to specific rows or columns on \Smrtr\DataGrid objects.

Vector objects come in two flavours: row vectors and column vectors.

Heads up! Vector objects are linked to rows/columns via their keys, not via their values.

Getting a vector object

The following two methods can be called on any \Smrtr\DataGrid object.

row( $keyOrlabel )

Accepts a key (int) or a label (string) from the $keyOrLabel parameter, and returns a new vector object linked to the identified row.

$firstRow = $grid->row(0);

The returned object is a \Smrtr\DataGridVector object and is linked to the grid upon which the row() method was called.

column( $keyOrlabel )

Accepts a key (int) or a label (string) from the $keyOrLabel parameter, and returns a new vector object linked to the identified column.

$someColumn = $grid->column('someColumn');

The returned object is a \Smrtr\DataGridVector object and is linked to the grid upon which the column() method was called.

Available vector methods

The following methods are available on all \Smrtr\DataGridVector objects.

data( $labelled=false )

Returns an array of values from the linked row/column. Set $labelled to true to return an associative array.

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array('smrtr', 'data', 'grid'),
  array('data', 'grid', 'vector')
$grid->columnLabels(array('c1', 'c2', 'c3'));

// [ 0=>'smrtr', 1=>'data' ]

// [ 'c1'=>'data', 'c2'=>'grid', 'c3'=>'vector' ]


Returns an array of distinct values from the linked row/column.

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array(1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 7, 3, 4, 6)
// [ 1, 2, 4, 7, 3, 6 ]

label( $label=false )

Get or set the label for this row/column.

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array('1a', '2a', '3a'),
  array('1b', '2b', '3b'),
  array('1c', '2c', '3c')
$grid->column(1)->label('middle column');

print_r($grid->getLabel('column', 1));
// 'middle column'
$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array('x', 'y', 'z')
$grid->updateLabel('column', 0, 'first column');

// 'first column'

Array access

Part of the reason behind developing the \Smrtr\DataGridVector class has been to provide an ArrayAccess interface for rows and columns on the grid which accepts keys and labels.

For the developer these enhancements become especially useful in PHP version 5.4 or later, where the array access can be chained directly onto the method that invokes the vector object.

Getting values

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array('blue', 'skies', 'encourage', 'smiles'),
  array('green', 'houses', 'trap', 'rays'),
  array('red', 'herrings', 'mislead', 'people')
  'colour', 'plural noun #1', 'verb', 'plural noun #2'
>= PHP 5.4
echo $grid->column('colour')[1];
// "green"

echo $grid->row(1)['plural noun #1'];
// "houses"
< PHP 5.4
$vector = $grid->row(2);
echo $vector[3];
// "people"

$vector = $grid->column('verb');
echo $vector[0];
// "encourage"

Setting values

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array(null, null),
  array(null, null)
$grid->rowLabels(array('row0', 'row1'));
$grid->columnLabels(array('col0', 'col1'));
>= PHP 5.4
$grid->row('row0')[1] = "top right";
echo $grid->getValue('row0', 'col1');
// "top right"

$grid->column(0)['row1'] = "bottom left";
echo $grid->getValue(1, 'col0');
// "bottom left"
< PHP 5.4
$vector = $grid->row('row0');
$vector['col0'] = "top left";
echo $grid->getValue(0, 0);
// "top left"

$vector = $grid->column(1);
$vector[1] = "bottom right";
echo $grid->getValue('row1', 1);
// "bottom right"

Unsetting values

>= PHP 5.4
print_r($grid->getValue(0, 0));
< PHP 5.4
$vector = $grid->row('row0');
print_r($grid->getValue('row0', 'col0');

Iteration over a vector object

\Smrtr\DataGridVector objects also implement the Iterator interface, meaning that they can be looped over with foreach statements.

$grid = new \Smrtr\DataGrid(array(
  array(3.7, 4.2, 1.4)
foreach ($grid->row(0) as $key => $val) {
  echo $key.", ";
  $result += $val;
echo $result;
// "0, 1, 2, 9.3"

Next: Iterating & Filtering